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KG Came to Town

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I Remember AthletesDirect...

For those of you who don't know, AthletesDirect was a branch of Broadband Sports, the former of which hosted a great number (more than 275) of official athletes websites. I'm talking BIG names here - and not just NBA stars either - Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant, Chris Webber, Ken Griffey Jr., Anna Kournikova, Randy Moss, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and lots more.

And yes, Kevin Garnett had his own website at AthletesDirect. I used to go there everyday, checking out the new video clips, photos, video/voice/text journals, bio, message boards - especially the message boards (I went by my usual handle: Timberwolf, so holla back if you recognize me). I had some great times there. The exclusive photos, movie clips, voice mails were awesome. And KG constantly kept in touch with his fans, doing so via his journals. He would update us on the happenings with his life and offer the inside scoop. It was, in fact, a very candid Kevin Garnett. This was obviously appreciated by the fans, who got to interact with Garnett. You just don't get that everyday. Oftentimes these superstars seem so inaccessible, as if they're not even human. But seeing Garnett reach out to the fans, offering us a glimpse into his world, makes me realize that he's human. He's real. He's not just someone you see on TV all the time, but is someone with problems, with ups and downs, with feelings. That's genuine.

I must mention the message boards because I met some great people there. They were true KG fans - we were true KG fans - and it was great fun talking to them. I learned a lot from them, and it was a joy to be a part of KG's message boards with them. To respect their privacy, I'm not going to name them, but they know who they are. Y'all have my utmost respect.

Unfortunatedly, around March 2001, Broadband Sports suddenly went out of operation. Either for business/financial reasons or whatever, I don't really know the details. Essentially, its demise meant that these athletes no longer had their websites. All forms content were rendered unavailable. Garnett's site went down along with the rest. And KG fans lost a haven, so to speak.

It's sad, really. But I can say this: it was great while it lasted. I've learn a lot - and it has helped me in many intangible ways - and I'll definitely carry the knowledge with me, with appreciation and respect. Can't have more than that.

Can't ask for more than that.