Scout Bucks

Author Unknown

Scout Bucks Incentive Scout Bucks are a troop’s special currency (in the form of dollar bills that can be earned or taken away). At the end of the year, girls will be able to use the Scout Bucks they have accumulated to buy items from a special Scout Bucks Bag. You can design the Scout Bucks together on the computer.

How to Earn Scout Bucks

Items that gain you $1 each
· attendance at meeting
· wearing uniform/pins at events or meetings
· bringing badge book to meetings
· bringing all materials/badge work required at the meeting (per instructions at previous meeting(s))

Items that gain you $2 each
· Giving a badge report on a badge you are doing on your own
· Completing a badge at home
· Earning a Council patch
· Other bonus items as agreed upon by the troop in advance

Ways to Lose Scout Bucks

Items that cost $1 each
· Missing a meeting without calling one of the leaders first. Reason must be illness or another commitment approved by parents.
· Forgetting uniform/pins at a meeting or event
· Forgetting Badge Book at a meeting
· Not bringing materials asked for at last meeting

Items that cost $2 each
· Forgetting to attend an event the troop has registered for without calling one of the leaders first
· Not returning a permission slip as requested
· Failing to turn in money from product sales on time
· Other circumstances as agreed upon by the troop in advance

Each girl will have an envelope with her name on it with Scout Bucks are kept. To start the program, each envelope will have 2 free Scout Bucks in it. At the beginning of each meeting, pass out the envelopes and award the Scout Bucks as they are earned, or take them away as they are forfeited. The envelope will remain with the troop leader between meetings.

The Scout Bucks Bag is filled with small trinkets, gift certificates (Burger King, McDonald’s), items from the dollar store/recycled store, pens, erasers, nail polish, lip gloss, miscellaneous that girls like. What you would choose to put in would be dictated by the girls. Don’t forget about seeking donations for this Bag.

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